These are the wanderings of a thoughtful mind, a passionate eye and an earth loving heart through the landscape with camera, pen and field notebook in hand.
I'm a freelance photographer, artist and wordsmith by calling, someone with her roots planted deep in the good dark soil of the eastern Ontario highlands. After chalking up a diversity of experience in the legal sector, telecommunications, graphic design, writing, and marketing, I had dreams of flying on my own wings and opened the KerrdeLune Design Works a few years ago. I've never been happier, and I've never looked back - but I sometimes wonder how I managed to survive toiling away in the entrails of large urban corporations for so many years.
There is a wildness to these elder days that feeds me, and I couldn't live without it. Nature is my canvas, and the north wind my brush - the seasons compose the symphony, orchestrate the score and write the choreography of my rambles. My happiest hours have always been spent in the woods and hills and fens of the eastern Ontario highlands with my soulmate and our canine companions, Cassie, Spencer and Beau. Irv, Cassie and Spencer passed beyond the fields we know some time ago, and now it is Beau and I who ramble the highlands, paw in paw.
The camera is my third eye - the lens through which I see earth and the heavens, connect with them in a profound, painterly and elemental way and filter my experience of the living world. Let's call it simply an ongoing study in Mono no aware, the Japanese expression which describes one's feelings when encountering impermanence and the transience of all things.
Silence and stillness are priceless gifts. I love twilight, full moons, liminal spaces and the wisdom that sustains the cosmos, confess cheerfully to a passion for whiskery trees, old age rivers, weathered rail fences and starry, starry nights. I entertain hopes of authenticity, wildness, rude good health and enlightenment somewhere up the trail, but for now I am content to ramble and wonder and just breathe in and out.